12 UX Designer Interview Questions to Help You Pass the Interview
Here are several typical UX designer interview questions. You are suggested to read them carefully and make advance preparation if you want to pass your interview successfully.
In addition, please pay special attention that there isn't only one absolutely correct answer to any question. Whatever question you are faced with, you can speak out your point of view combined with the experience from the actual projects you have made before. So let’s read the following UX design interview questions and answers.
1. What do you think of interaction design and user experience? What’re the differences between them?
If the interviewer asks you this kind of UX designer interview questions, he/she doesn’t intend to test your memory but your understanding of basic concepts. Therefore, you should speak out your own understanding but not cram up the definitions from books.
2. What do you think is the core of interaction design?
Please recall all of your designs and think about the common goals of these jobs you have done.

3. What do you think is the best things you have done in your projects? Are there any considerate or special designs?
Your interviewers can’t gain insight into your designs in such a short time, so they want to measure your design capacities through your explanations of one or two design points. You are supposed to elaborate why you designed it in that way, how you came up with the scheme and what your design can bring for users. If you didn’t think over these questions when designing, you can’t speak out any highlight. But don’t worry too much, because in such a short UX design interview, the interviewer does not expect you to come up with a superexcellent masterpiece to change the world; to answer this UX designer interview question, you just need to tell some interesting points after thorough consideration.
4. What do you think is the difference between the Web and the mobile (or any of the platforms you've done)?
Under normal circumstances, the interviewer will ask you the differences between the platforms you have ever done before, or may also ask you to give an analysis on the characteristics of the platforms you haven’t done. For example, assuming that you haven’t made any PC client before, if you are applying for a PC interaction designer, the interviewer is more likely to mention the relevant topics. It requires that interviewers should sort out the characteristics of several major platforms before the interview. Regardless of which two platforms are going to be compared and whether the differences is great or small, you do not have to look into the details ( you will otherwise waste much time if you take details too seriously), you can divide the differences into several aspects, such as the size of the device, the typical time of use, typical scenes, etc.
5. Aimed at a prototype you’ve done, the interviewer picks up a point and asks why you designed it this way.
There are roughly two purposes of the interviewer: one is to check whether this prototype is really what you do. Another purpose is to know your design ideas. What you should do is to clearly express your design ideas. If you encountered some difficulties during the design process, you can also talk about how you overcome these difficulties.
6. Is there a book, or an article, the views of which you do not agree with?
This UX designer interview question is aimed at examining the depth of your reading and the ability to think independently. When reading a book and an article, if you don’t think thoroughly with a doubt and critical vision and practice it by yourself, it is difficult to find some unreasonable places or omissions of the article.
Here are some books recommended to you: 5 Books Advanced UX Designer Reluctant to Share

7. What do you think is the disadvantage of our product? How do you think should it be improved?
If you are interviewed for an interactive designer of a specific product, then the probability of the problem being mentioned is quite high.
For example, if you are going to be interviewed for an interactive designer of a news client iOS platform, you are supposed to install, use and study the product before the interview. You can write down the advantages and disadvantages of this product. Think about what you think are the weaknesses and how it should be improved.
If you're going to be interviewed for a particular department but not for a specific product. You can also prepare for this topic and study and summarize one or two products you are interested in, so as to show your product thinking and express your attention to this product. In this way, if you are employed, the leadership is very likely to let you participate in the development of this product.
8. What do you do when you disagree with the product manager?
This UX designer interview question is aimed at examining your communication skills and attitude toward work.
Please focus on how you understand your colleagues, how to insist on what you think is the right things, and finally how to deal with the problem from the overall situation.
9. How do you persuade yourself when you are disagreeing with the visual designer?
This UX designer interview question is to examine your communication skills. Please focus on how you understand your colleagues and how to communicate with colleagues on this issue.

10. What is your usual workflow? What do you do specifically?
Through this UX designer interview question, the interviewer wants to use your answer to infer whether you know exactly what you should do.
11. What do you think of yourself? What do you think of your strengths and weaknesses?
Through this UX designer interview question, the interviewer wants to know whether your characters match the team culture.
12. Do you have any question to ask me?
Examination and interview are very different. An examination is a one-way choice, and an interview is a two-way choice; an interview is a process of mutual understanding.
Therefore, in this section if your interviewer asks you an UX designer interview question like this, you can ask the interviewer any topic you care about, and then think over whether you really want to join in this team.
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