16 Design Books Every Designer Should Read in 2017

Several months ago, I have compiled an article that recommended UI/UX design books and resources which were very useful and helpful for many designers. Design is an endless progress,it’s not enough to be called as a great designer even though you have read all the books mentioned in the above article. It’s never been late to learn new things, especially in the design industry. Keeping learning, and keeping growing, you’ll be the next one who shining in the design industry.
Here is a new book list for your reference on the way to be a shining star in design. This list covers graphic design, web design, UI design,interaction & research, and font & layout design. Drinking a cup of tea while reading at your leisure time, that sounds like a comfortable charging time. Just do it!
16 Design Books Every Designer Should Read in 2017
Graphic Design
By Wassily Kandinsky
Kandinsky believes that the geometric elements such as point, line, and plane have the basic aesthetic meanings, which is called as the "Inner Sound". He analyzes each element both externally and intrinsically: externally, it is the form of the element; internally, the element is not the form itself, but the internal tension active in it.
2.Grid Systems in Graphic Design (Priced at $34.92-$45.65)
By Josef Müller-Brockmann
This is a book from a professional for all professionals.Here is the definitive word on using grid systems in graphic design. Although Josef Muller-Brockman first presented hi-interpretation of grid in 1961, his book – Grid Systems in Graphic Design – is still useful today for anyone working in the latest computer-assisted design. With examples on how to work correctly at a conceptual level and exact instructions for using all of the systems (8 to 32 fields), this guidebook provides a crystal-clear framework for problem-solving.
By Alina Wheeler
This book is a bestselling toolkit for creating, building, and maintaining a strong brand. From research and analysis through to brand strategy; design development through to application design;identity standards through to launch and governance – It offers brand managers,marketers, and designers a proven, universal five–phase process for creating and implementing effective brand identity. Enriched by case studies show casing successful world–class brands, the book takes a detailed look at the latest trends in branding, including social networks, mobile devices, global markets,apps, video, and virtual brands.
16 Design Books Every Designer Should Read in 2017
Web Design
1.Designing Web Interfaces(Priced at$13.95-$34.63)
This book is not directly about information architecture—although you will find information architecture principles alluded to throughout. This book is also not directly about visual design—although you will find that the backdrop of good visual design is assumed throughout. This book is about interaction design: specifically, interaction design on the Web. And even more specifically, about rich interaction design on the Web.
This is a pretty great book about information architecture. If you build websites and don't know what information architecture is, I'd recommend reading it. Some of the info is really about what to do if you're an information architect, dealing with company politics, budgets, etc. If you only work on very small projects, or if you're the primary decision maker, you could probably skim all of that stuff.
16 Design Books Every Designer Should Read in 2017
UI Design
Jeff Johnson provides you with just enough background in perceptual and cognitive psychology that user interface (UI) design guidelines make intuitive sense rather than being just a list or rules to follow.
Early UI practitioners were trained in cognitive psychology, and developed UI design rules based on it. But as the field has evolved since the first edition of this book, designers enter the field from many disciplines.Practitioners today have enough experience in UI design that they have been exposed to design rules, but it is essential that they understand the psychology behind the rules in order to effectively apply them.
The analyses on integration of existing product experience more helps the systematic use of different modules, as well as have a clearer understanding of the structure. But the Internet industry on the ever-changing,content of some part of this book is not suitable for the current mobile design environment, looking forward to see the updated version.
The Best UI/UX Design Books & Resources for Designers
Interaction & Research
Books in this section were mentioned in this article "The Best UI/UX Design Books & Resources for Designers".
16 Design Books Every Designer Should Read in 2017
Font & Layout Design
1.Designing Type (Priced at $35)
Most of the books called "font design", the content actually is "Typography", which tells you how to use the font for layout design or "Logo Type". This book is the very few professional sense of the font design (Type Design) - analysis and researches the details of the most outstanding English business fonts in the font design.
The author does not have a lot of talk about the theory, but with example design tells us what are beautiful design, and the concise idea of good layout and posters.
The last sentence, no matter how refining of the book lists, the best way is to read them. Good luck!

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